Treating Mesothelioma
Depending on several factors, including cell type, staging, previous health conditions, a recently diagnosed mesothelioma patient may have several choices concerning treatment options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. There also may be several active clinical trials seeking candidates.
There are several physicians including surgeons, surgical oncologists and oncologists who have experience in diagnosing and treating mesothelioma.
Who to Trust? Taking Medical Articles with a Grain of Salt
How much faith should we put in published, peer-reviewed studies that show that a drug, vitamin, surgical technique or medical device produces a favorable result? We certainly want to believe that a conclusion based on raw data generated in a properly designed test by objective scientists must be true and is therefore reliable. We strongly encourage you to be discerning when reading these medical articles and know that the best treatment recommendations will come from your doctor.
Treating Mesothelioma with Surgery
Surgery can be a viable option for some mesothelioma patients. Usually, it is recommended for patients who are healthy enough for surgery and whose mesothelioma has not spread too far. Surgery is particularly effective in patients when coupled with other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation.
Mesothelioma Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is an option for many cancer patients. It involves killing cancerous cells by injecting powerful chemical drugs into a person’s body. While chemotherapy cannot cure mesothelioma, it can improve a patient’s prognosis in many cases.
Currently, immunotherapy is only offered through clinical trials as it is an emerging mesothelioma treatment option. Immunotherapy has only been around since the 1980s. It works by stimulating the immune system into a response against tumors.
Radiation Therapy
This type of mesothelioma treatment involves killing cancerous cells through radiation. Radiation is localized onto the affected area, unlike chemotherapy which affects the entire body.
Gene Therapy
This type of mesothelioma treatment works by attempting to repair defective genes. Cancer causing agents, like asbestos, can genetically damage the genes in your body. Before the damaged genes spread into cancer, gene therapy attempts to stop this through repairing the defective genes.
Clinical Trials
Worthington & Caron, PC helps connect its clients to clinical trials for mesothelioma. Clinical trials are not available to everyone. Accepted patients are able to undergo new test treatments for mesothelioma.
Novel Therapies
Novel therapies like chemoprevention, anti-angiogenesis and cryoablation are under investigation to determine if they are effective and viable treatment options to treat mesothelioma.
Lifestyle Changes
Certain lifestyle changes may be effective to reduce the side effects of mesothelioma. Many doctors recommend things like diet changes, quitting smoking and drinking, reducing stress, and more.
Alternative Treatment Options
Many clients of Worthington & Caron, PC have opted for alternative mesothelioma treatment options such as cachexia treatments, palliative care, estrogen treatments, and more.

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