Types of Mesothelioma
Asbestos Cancer Lawyers
Mesothelioma is a serious condition that individuals may develop after exposure to asbestos, but did you know there are various categories in which this asbestos cancer can be classified? These are separated by their cell types, the location of the mesothelioma, and the type of tumor. It is important to understand the differences between all types of mesothelioma and learn what they mean to you.
Mesothelioma by Site of Detection
The site of the mesothelioma is one of the indicators to tell which type of the asbestos cancer you may have. These are often discovered through CT scans to determine the exact location. Each type of mesothelioma based on site can mean significantly different results for the patient and may determine the survival rate.
The types of mesothelioma by site include:

By Cell and Tumor Type
Certain mesothelioma cell types are more common than others and each cause a different severity of concern. These include epithelial mesothelioma, sarcomatoid mesothelioma, biphasic mesothelioma, and papillary mesothelioma. By learning about the types of mesothelioma cells and how common they are, you can better educate yourself regarding what to do if you are diagnosed.
It is important to know that there are two types of tumors that someone may develop: benign or malignant. Benign mesothelioma tumors are easier to treat because the symptoms of malignant tumors are harder to diagnose. Malignant tumors often spread throughout the body before a diagnosis is even made.
Caring & Compassionate Advocates
At Worthington & Caron, we are dedicated to helping find a cure for mesothelioma. We have funded and founded multiple organization who are committed to mesothelioma research, including the Pacific Heart Lung & Blood Institute (PHLBI) and the Punch Worthington Research Laboratory. You can trust that we have your best interests in mind.
Call our firm if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

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