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Johnson's baby powder

CNN Investigates Johnson & Johnson's Legal Battles

Johnson's baby powder

CNN recently took a critical investigative look at Johnson & Johnson—their iconic brand and products, and their never-ending legal woes stemming from their asbestos contaminated talcum powder.

The hour-long episode delves into the company’s history, the legal and congressional debates of J&J’s bankruptcy maneuver, interviews with attorneys on both sides of talc cases, and portrays personal stories from three women diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer, who are among the thousands of plaintiffs awaiting court decisions on how J&J will proceed.

Pamela Brown, CNN’s chief investigative correspondent, states the following:

“This is a story about the trust that consumers put in the brands and products they are loyal to. Few companies can claim the kind of brand recognition that Johnson & Johnson has and, with hospitals distributing their talc baby powder to new moms and newborns for years, few products were considered safer. Our reporting illuminates the uncertainty and skepticism that some now feel about the brand.”

You can catch the whole episode of “The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper”, Episode “Shaken: Baby Powder on Trial” on demand or listen to the audio version here.

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