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Asbestos Plaintiffs Brace for Their Day in Court Against J&J

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Juliet Gray is just one of the nearly 40,000 talc plaintiffs waiting for their day in court against pharmaceutical giant, Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

J&J has been in the midst of contesting recent rejections of their controversial bankruptcy strategy. A hearing on yet another attempt for them to declare their talc subsidiary, LTL Management, bankrupt is expected later this month.

In the meantime, Ms. Gray is still reeling from her “fury recently curdled into betrayal” against the company responsible for her mesothelioma. She states:

“You trust that if there’s something on the market, it’s not going to kill you. When you’re selling products to people for their health that they used to take care of themselves and those products are tainted with something so toxic you get terminal cancer from it, that is not OK – especially if it becomes known that your product is tainted with asbestos, but you continue to sell that product and fight with the people who are harmed by your product.”

The desire to have juries decide on these cases and hold J&J accountable will continue to fuel plaintiffs in their fight to one day have their day in court.

Click here to read the full article in the New Jersey Monitor.

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