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Activin A Can Be a New Biomarker for Mesothelioma 

A team of cancer specialists from Hungary, Austria, Australia, and Switzerland conducted a recent study and believe they have found a new and helpful malignant pleural mesothelioma biomarker. The specialists recently published their findings in the European Journal of Cancer.

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is often caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers and is common in servicemembers, plant workers, and more occupations in which the workers are exposed to asbestos. Once the fibers are inhaled, they can lodge in the pleura — the lining of the lungs — and can ultimately result in genetic and cellular damage, leading to cancer. This devastating disease has been around for decade.

Now, the researchers are measuring circulating activin A from plasma samples. The study analyzed 129 patients suffering from malignant pleural mesothelioma either at the time of diagnosis, or prior to surgery, as well as 45 healthy people, and 16 non-malignant pleural disease patients. The results show that the plasma activin A level was highly elevated in patients with MPM. The tumor volume also showed a correlation with the rise in circulating activin A. When compared, the patients suffering from MPM who had lower activin A levels had a much longer overall survival than those with higher activin A levels.

Understanding biomarkers is an extremely important aspect of making sure there is early diagnosis and prognosis. It also helps to ensure that there is a chance for effective treatment plans, working to help those suffering from mesothelioma find a cure. This is the goal for researchers who continue to look for early indicators of mesothelioma and finding a way to prolong survival for the patient.

An Austrian surgeon and molecular biologist who worked on the research, Mir Alireza Hoda, said,

Our findings suggest that the measurement of circulating activin A may support the histological classification of malignant pleural mesothelioma and at the same time help to identify epithelioid malignant pleural mesothelioma patients with poor prognosis.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is important to receive the help and medical treatment you need. Findings such as this make it even more important because mesothelioma can take years to show symptoms, prolonging the patient’s ability to get the treatment they need. By discovering new biomarkers and other genetic traits that could signify the existence of mesothelioma, patients and their doctors are able to act much quicker, working to find an effective cure for the cancer.

At Worthington & Caron, we understand the importance of biomarkers and other symptoms that would be a diagnosis for mesothelioma. Early diagnosis of mesothelioma does more than just allow you to find treatment quicker. It also allows you to seek the representation you need to file a lawsuit against whoever was responsible for the potential asbestos exposure. You can take legal action to get the compensation you need for your pain and suffering.

Our mesothelioma attorneys are dedicated to guiding you throughout the entire process and representing your best interests in your time of need. We have helped several clients get through the process. We know how devastating mesothelioma can be and we know how much pressure compensation can take off these patients. When you choose our firm to represent your case, you can be sure that we are looking out for your best interests and always working to help you obtain the results you need. Call us today and discuss with our team the ways in which we may be able to help you.

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