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Johnson & Johnson Shareholders

Johnson & Johnson Shareholders to Vote to End Sales of Talc-Based Baby Powder Worldwide

Johnson & Johnson Shareholders

Johnson & Johnson is being forced into a shareholder vote today, Thursday, April 28, at its 2022 Annual Shareholder meeting to end all sales of its talc-based baby powder globally. The company ceased sales of the product in the US and Canada in 2020 due to public pressure and dropping sales after the public learned asbestos had been found in the talc-based baby product, but Johnson & Johnson has continued to sell its infamous baby powder worldwide.

There have been over 34,000 lawsuits alleging that asbestos contaminated Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder causes ovarian cancer and mesothelioma, and the company has spent billions in settlements and court costs, but Johnson & Johnson refuses to acknowledge the talc-based product poses any potential health risk. Lest we forget, a 2018 Reuter’s expose showed internal company documents which proved that Johnson & Johnson was aware that their product had at times been contaminated with asbestos and worked hard to keep that information from the public.

Johnson & Johnson sent a letter to the US Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC) to try and block the vote on the basis it would affect the thousands of pending lawsuits in state and federal courts worldwide, but the SEC is allowing the vote to proceed.

Read on: The Guardian: Johnson & Johnson shareholders called on to end talc baby powder sales