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Worthington & Caron, P.C.

Can Iron Removal Reduce Mesothelioma Risk?

Worthington & Caron, P.C.

A new study by Japanese researches shows that there may be a new way to help reduce the risk of developing deadly malignant mesothelioma after asbestos exposure. In the experiment, the researchers exposed rats to asbestos, presenting a pre-cancerous state. As with any asbestos exposure, the rats developed all the stages of mesothelioma; inflammation, oxidative stress, and iron level increase.

After the exposure, the rats were treated with desferal, an iron-removing agent, injected in their abdomens. The researchers reported that the injection was able to significantly decrease thickening of the peritoneum, as well as the formation of scarring. It also decreased the oxidative stress and amount of iron in tissues. These are all mesothelioma precursors.

The reason this showed significant impact is because research has shown that iron has an impact on the growing mesothelioma cells. Elimination of iron can help in a number of ways to reduce the risks involved with developing mesothelioma. Because many old buildings were made with asbestos-containing products, workers in those buildings, tenants, and those demolishing them for construction are at a direct risk of exposure and the number of annual mesothelioma cases is still high.

When a person develops mesothelioma, the amount of iron in the body increases and overloads. This could be an indicator that iron has an impact on the development of mesothelioma. By removing it from the system, you eliminate one potential risk.

If you developed mesothelioma, you may have a right to file a claim. Let our team work to determine the cause of the mesothelioma and who should be held accountable. It is important to make sure you are well represented in these difficult matters. At Worthington & Caron, our mesothelioma attorneys have the necessary tools to help you move forward in the most effective manner. We have connections to some of the top mesothelioma doctors in the nation and we would be happy to help you. Call today.