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Worthington & Caron

Is Flaxseed Compound a Mesothelioma Prevention?

Worthington & Caron

According to a new study from researchers in Pennsylvania, evidence has been found showing that an antioxidant compound found in flaxseeds may be able to help in the prevention of mesothelioma. Flaxseed lignans, according to researchers, may hold the key.Lignans are polyphenols are often found in plants such as pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, and flaxseeds. These are rich in a compound called secoisolariciresinol diglucoside. This has been used in tests on mice and the antioxidant has proven to slow the growth of human breast cancer.

The tests included two groups of mice, one with a normal diet and one including flaxseed lignan. After a week on the diet, the mice were injected with asbestos fibers. Asbestos fibers often cause mesothelioma by causing chronic inflammation. The study showed that the mice with the flaxseed lignan in their diet did not experience as high a rate of the inflammation that often leads to mesothelioma. It also helped with nitrosative and oxidative stress, both of which can influence mesothelioma development.

Asbestos is the number one cause of mesothelioma in patients all over the world. The asbestos cancer is diagnosed at a high rate in the United States, with roughly 2,500 new cases occurring each year. This is a step in the right direction to potentially find a cure for mesothelioma.

At Worthington & Caron, we are always encouraged any time we here of a possible breakthrough that can help individuals who have been exposed to asbestos fibers.

If you or someone you love has developed mesothelioma, please contact our firm. Our mesothelioma attorneys fight to help our clients seek compensation they need to cover the medical expenses and other losses they may have incurred as a result of this oversight. Learn more about your options by speaking with our firm today.
