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"Thanks For Contribution To My Life"

On September 7, 1997, we were contacted by Frank, a 77 year old retired airlines operations controller. In June of this year, Frank began to experience breathing difficulties with minor exertions. A chest x-ray taken at the VA Hospital in Bay Pines, Florida indicated a build up of fluid in his right lung area. The doctors ordered a needle biopsy. The fluid was interpreted by the pathologists as indicating malignant pleural mesothelioma. To be sure, the doctors administered electron microscopy tests on the specimens. The local pathologists again read the test results to confirm mesothelioma. Frank's case was discussed by the Tumor Board at the Bay Pines Hospital. The Board was satisfied with the diagnosis and, in view of the grim prognosis generally associated with mesothelioma, recommended a "wait and see" approach. At the time, there was no visible tumor present on CT scans.

Frank obviously was concerned about his condition and surfed the internet for more information. He read our site and contacted us. Like many other patients, he had many questions about how to proceed both medically and legally. He wanted to make sure the diagnosis was reliable, since he was advised that no treatments were available for mesothelioma.

We encouraged Frank to get a second opinion at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Lary Robinson, in particular, has operated on several of our mesothelioma clients with good results. Frank called Dr. Robinson that day. He met with Dr. Robinson's colleague, Dr. Linda Garland, who ordered further testing to make sure the diagnosis was solid. H. Lee Moffit's pathologists detected a cell structure that seemingly escaped the evaluation of the Bay Pines' pathologists. Moffitt diagnosed adenocarcinoma.

This is not to suggest that Frank is out of the woods. He still has cancer and, without treatments, it is terminal. However, the difference in the cell type of the tumor has enormous consequences with respect to treatment options. Frank is now undergoing chemotherapy. I was very touched to receive the following correspondence from Frank.

On October 22, 1997, Frank wrote:

Dear Roger,

Please forgive me for not expressing my sincere thanks for your time and efforts in my behalf. I realize the significant difference your recommendation that I see Dr. Robinson has made in my life. It was your recommendation that led to the adenocarcinoma diagnosis and chemotherapy. The chemo does have its side effects, but they are minuscule compared to the effects of mesothelioma.. It was a most fortunate day for me when I made contact with your web site for it provided the information I desired. In addition, the contact afforded me the opportunity to open up a dialogue with a kind and caring person, who demonstrates a desire to help people. For me it has been a honor to make your acquaintance.

The VA pathologist has reviewed his initial diagnosis and now is in agreement with the Moffitt Hospital, adenocarcinoma diagnosis.

Roger, again many, many thanks for making a significant contribution to my life.

Ever Grateful,

As of November 21, Frank has completed two out of six chemotherapy cycles. He and his doctors are extremely optimistic. His last xray taken two weeks prior showed little if any fluid in his lungs.

We wish Frank the best!

** POSTED NOVEMBER 21, 1997 **

On December 23, 1997, Frank wrote:

Hello Roger,

I have received treatment three today. It was scheduled for Friday, but my white cell was too low so it was rescheduled for today. The cell count was marginal so I received 75% of a normal dose. Treatment one was the most uncomfortable. I received a revised side effects prevention package and it is working. I have had a cat scan and MRI of the brain. Results were good for no cancer signs were apparent. The MRI did. show some ruptured blood cell which are not a item of concern. The radiologist was of the opinion that I had a very minor stroke a few years ago. I do feel very good except that my endurance if not a good as it was. The golf game has even had a slight improvement. Do hope that "Santa Claus" provides for all that you and your staff wish for this Christmas. May 1998 bring good health and happiness to everyone at the Law Office Of Roger G. Worthington.

Yours truly,

Frank Motola

On October 23, 1998, Frank wrote:

Hello Roger,

Thought you may be interested in an condition update. I completed the chemo treatment and a CAT scan showed that it did what it was designed for. My oncologist has classified me as in remission. Again I must state my sincere thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I refuse to give thought to what would have been if you did not tell me to get a second opinion from the experts at Moffitt. Do pass on my regards to Mike Bittner. I am confident the medical procedure was a success and he is back on the marathon trail.
Regards to all,
Frank Motola

* * * * *

Thanks for the update FRANK and congratulations! Your note gave me a big smile. It's very heartwarming to know that you have turned the corner and are heading towards Easy Street. You deserve a little sunshine. But stay vigilant!

Best Wishes
