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    "I am thankful and delighted for your firm's help."
    - Olga Brendel, wife of Joseph Brendel
    "The best attorney in every aspect"
    - Bob Treggett, age 62
    "You folks are a true asset to asbestos sufferers!"
    - Paul Zygielbaum, age 54
    "Roger Worthington knew more about mesothelioma than our doctors."
    - T.C. McNamara
    "This is the only website I have found that gives information that is relevant to patient treatment."
    Dr. Robert Cameron's Story. My job is to direct the patients to where there is meaningful data. I refer them to for patients' stories because
    - Dr. Robert Cameron
    "Your great expertise has not stopped with me but been helping hundreds…"
    Your great expertise has not stopped with me but been helping hundreds of people and animals even a boat for a mission in Uganda. May the good Lord bless and keep you and yours forever in His care.
    - Leaonn Douma, wife of Jan Douma
    "My thanks and appreciation for the work you and RGWPC do"
    I wanted to add my thanks and appreciation for the work you and RGWPC do in helping those effected by mesothelioma.
    - Virgil Martenson, dear friend of Sherry Swanstrom
    "I appreciate all the information that I receive from you."
    I am the widow of Fred Bynder who's life was cut short by this horrific disease. Fred passed away almost three years ago shortly after we attended the First Annual mesothelioma Symposium in Las Vegas
    - Madeline Bynder
    "My sincerest gratitude for your generosity and your continued commitment to the fight against asbestos cancer"
    On behalf of all Mesothelioma patients please let me extend my sincerest gratitude for your generosity and your continued commitment to the fight against asbestos cancer
    - Klaus Brauch, age 56, 5 year survivor
    "No client could ask more of a legal advocate."
    There is nothing so devastating as hearing the diagnosis a loved one has meso. It is at such a time a family needs guidance not only on legal issues but, more importantly, on methods of treatment.
    - Lt. Col. James Zumwalt, USMCR, son of Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Jr., who died from mesothelioma on January 2, 2000
    "If not for Mr. Worthington my sister would not be alive today."
    If not for Mr. Worthington and his website my sister would not be alive today. It was Mr. Worthington that helped my sister find Dr. Taub.
    - Susan Huff, sister of Sharon Johnson
    "Roger Worthington is the most wonderful person I have ever had the privilege of spending a little time with"
    MARF is devoted to finding a cure for mesothelioma. It is the only research center of its kind. It was founded by Roger Worthington who put I believe the amount was 7 1/2 million dollars (sic) of his own money and much more since.
    - Pat Archer
    "Your office knew so much about the disease. You guys do wonderful work."
    Had I not searched the Internet and stumbled across your site and had your offices contacted me I don't know where we would have been----you guys were a God Send. Your office knew so much about the disease. You guys do wonderful work.
    - Laurie MacDonald-Treiber, daughter of Susan MacDonald