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Asbestos Lawyers Empowering Persons Battling Mesothelioma

Patients diagnosed with mesothelioma find themselves at the beginning of a journey. Because of the rarity of the disease and the developing nature of the treatments, it is a journey that will take them on sparsely-traveled, out of the way back-roads. The kind of roads that are often difficult to navigate. Difficult, that is, unless you have a good road map.

Are you ready to get empowered?
Worthington & Caron, PC is ready to help.
Fill out the fields below to receive a free, confidential review to learn
about your legal rights and options if you or someone you care about has
been diagnosed the asbestos cancer mesothelioma.

Why Choose Worthington & Caron, PC?
- Return phone calls and emails promptly and professionally
- Tailor your representation to meet your unique needs and priorities
- Bundle our clients' claims with non-malignant disease claims
- Use a mass-produced, generic strategy.