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Preclinical Studies Highlight uPARAP's Potential in the Treatment of Mesothelioma

Researchers in Denmark are conducting preclinical studies into the utilization of the collagen receptor uPARAP as a therapeutic target in the treatment of mesothelioma. An initial study found that the expression of uPARAP is abundant in mesothelioma and appears to have favorable properties for antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) therapy.

In vivo studies in mice with mesothelioma showed that a drug targeting uPARAP significantly delayed tumor growth and reduced tumor size compared to control groups. Expression varied within subtypes, suggesting patient stratification should be based on individual target expression rather than subtype alone. An additional project is investigating uPARAP as a target for CAR T cell therapy, but so far studies are inconclusive.

These findings highlight the potential of uPARAP as a promising therapeutic target for mesothelioma. The study represents a significant step towards developing an effective treatment modality, with uPARAP serving as a potential avenue for addressing this aggressive cancer.

Read the abstract here: The Collagen Receptor uPARAP as a Therapeutic Target for Mesothelioma