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Revlon Bankruptcy

Revlon Files for Bankruptcy

Revlon Bankruptcy

In June, Revlon Inc., the 90-year-old makeup company filed for bankruptcy protection amid mounting debts. Some of these debts, although not specifically mentioned may be the result of them being named in lawsuits alleging exposure to talc in Revlon’s makeup and body powder products. Revlon is routinely named as a co-defendant alongside cosmetic giants, Johnson & Johnson and Avon.

Revlon was first named in an asbestos case in 2017 for its product Jean Nate body powder, which it has since discontinued. The company began to transition out using talc as the base of its powdered products along with Chanel, Avon, and many other cosmetic and beauty brands in 2020.

Revlon is just another company in a long list to file for bankruptcy protection against asbestos claims since Johns-Manville became the first in 1982. The company claims it is seeking bankruptcy protection due to supply chain disruptions and falling sales in recent years.