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Case Study Finds Talc Exposure Sole Cause of Meso


A first of its kind case study published in January’s Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, identified consumer talcum powder contaminated with asbestos as the signature cause of mesothelioma in 33 long-term users.

Dr. Jacqueline Moline, professor in the Institute of Health Innovations and Outcomes Research at The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research and her colleagues reviewed scientific data, medical records, and sworn testimony of the individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma. The patients had no other known exposure to asbestos other than consumer talc powder products. Their surgical tissue samples all revealed the presence of asbestos fibers associated with talc and not found in other common commercial products, such as auto brakes or home insulation materials.

“Our case study suggests that cosmetic talcum powder use may help explain the high prevalence of idiopathic mesothelioma cases, particularly among women," Dr. Moline and coauthors write. This highlights the duty to collect comprehensive exposure information, including non-occupational sources of asbestos exposure, in all patients diagnosed with mesothelioma. Dr. Moline further adds, "Cosmetic talc still remains unregulated and on store shelves. Our findings show that these products, often used every day, were contaminated with dangerous asbestos, which has led to deadly health effects."

Click here to read more about the study in the press release.