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J&J baby powder

Sri Lanka Halts Imports of Johnson's Baby Powder Over Asbestos Concerns

J&J baby powder

On January 30, 2019 Reuters reported that the National Health Ministry of Sri Lanka has banned imports of Johnson’s Baby Powder until independent testing of talc supplies proves the talc is asbestos free. This move comes in the wake of a December 2018 Reuters Investigative Report finding Johnson & Johnson knew for decades its Baby Powder contained asbestos.

J&J and its subsidiaries have operations in over 60 countries. J&J India supplies Baby Powder to Sri Lanka and much of Asia, where the product is very popular. Sri Lanka is banning new imports until J&J India provides new asbestos test results.

Indian drug authorities have also expressed concern about the safety of J&J Baby Powder following the revelations in the Reuters report. Last month, it was announced that regulators in India launched its own investigation, including the testing and seizure talc samples from J&J India facilities.

J&J has had a presence in India for over 70 years. J&J Baby Powder is one of the most recognized foreign brands in in the country. Gifting of the iconic baby powder to an expectant mother is practically a family ritual in India, much like America.

Check back for updates as this story continues to develop.