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Laparoscopic Cytoreductive Surgery Followed by HIPEC Offers Patients with Peritoneal Mesothelioma Shorter Recovery Time with Fewer Complications

The standard treatment for peritoneal mesothelioma patients eligible for surgery is cytoreductive surgery (CRS) followed immediately by heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).

Traditional surgery involves a large incision made in the abdomen in order to remove as much cancer as possible. A study published in the European Journal of Surgical Oncology shows that patients suffering from peritoneal surface malignancy from mesothelioma and other cancers may benefit from less invasive laparoscopic surgical procedures. Laparoscopic procedures require a much smaller incision than traditional surgery and utilize a fiber optic camera so that surgeons may perform the procedure viewing a monitor.

Researchers at the Hospices Civils de Lyon in France compared two groups of patients who underwent CRS followed by HIPEC. Patients in the first group underwent the laparoscopic CRS procedure and experienced far fewer complications and spent an average of a week less in the hospital than those in the second group who underwent the more traditional CRS procedures. Another benefit of the laparoscopic approach is reduced pain due to smaller incision and less hemorrhaging. All participants in the study were diagnosed with early stage disease which had not spread beyond the peritoneum.

Fewer complications, shorter recovery time and reduced pain all contribute to better quality of life, which is of great value to any cancer or surgical patient. Many hospitals and surgical centers now offer the minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure for a wide range of ailments. Peritoneal mesothelioma patients should speak to their surgeon to find out if laparoscopic surgery is an option for them.