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Worthington Donates $500,000 to Punch Worthington Lab to Combat Asbestos Cancer

As part of a campaign to raise $1 million dollars for asbestos cancer research, Roger G. Worthington recently donated $500,000 to the Pacific Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute (PHLBI), a non profit medical foundation ( ).

The donation will help launch the Punch Worthington Research Lab, which is dedicated to Roger Worthington's late father, who recently passed away from asbestos-cancer. The funds will be used to conduct research on therapies for mesothelioma. In addition, in conjunction with the Asbestos Workers Union, PHLBI is planning to design and implement a clinical trial that will investigate whether certain drugs, such as celebrex, may reduce the risk of asbestos lung cancer and mesothelioma. The Punch Worthington lab will be managed by Dr. Robert Cameron, Chief of Thoracic Surgery at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.

"Victims and potential victims of asbestos-related cancer of the lung and pleura now for the first time have real hope that novel treatment options will be identified, investigated, and quickly developed into meaningful life-sustaining therapies." said Dr. Cameron. "Also, for the first time in the history of modern medicine, prevention strategies for these horrific diseases will be actively pursued and fostered. This unique program is made possible only through the inspiration of visionary scientists as embodied by David "Punch" Worthington, the insight of institutions, such as the Pacific Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute and UCLA School of Medicine, as well as the incredible generosity and compassion of exceptional individuals, such as Ann and Roger Worthington. The "Punch" Worthington Research Laboratory (PWR Lab) truly brings real POWER to the fight against asbestos-related cancers."

For more information, please see or call Roger Worthington at 800 831 9399.